FAQ of PM3040 VGA Card

Is the DPM3040 VGA Card compatible for use with Linux or Redhat Linux.

The PM3040 doesn't support Linux system.

Is Windows 3.1 display driver available for Permedia pm3040 video card?

No, because this Permedia chipset is mainly for you to use in Windows 95 and NT. Hence, there is no DOS driver support from original chipset manufacture.

Since the PM3040 VGA Card has added using 4MB extra display memory, why, it still shows 4MB frame buffer after installing?

There have one jumper at the top left-hand side of the VGA Card. If you need to use 8MB in the VGA Card, you must close this jumper. Because there have the separate when you use 4MB and 8MB.

  1. The jumper is opened for the memory which is 4MB.
  2. The jumper is closed for the memory which is 8MB.

Does the PM3040 display card support for OS2 ver4.0?

No, it doesn't support OS2 ver4.0.

Why the PM3040 display cards in Win NT didn't recognize the 8MB RAM.

If you want to increase the memory to 8MB, you must set the jumper of JP9 and JP10 for short.


FAQ for VGA Card