FAQ of DSV6357 VGA Card

I can't find the way to activate the TV-OUT connector.

First of all, you must tune on the TV and make sure your DSV6357 card is connected with the TV out connector to TV properly, that you can select the CRT, TV, or both options from the Display Devices group box, depending upon your needs. For example, if you want the image to appear on both the CRT and TV screens, you have to click the CRT and TV checkmarks at the same time. If you don't know the TV specification of your hardware, please contact your TV dealer for technical data. Wrong settings let your display have no picture or twisted image on the TV screen.

The DSV6357 is no possibility to use switch to the TV Output per software. After installation of the original driver we can only select the internal VGA port but not TV Output.

DSV6357 TV function installation steps

  1. Make sure the cable connected to TV, then turn on the TV.
  2. Turn on the PC.
  3. Select TV BOXES from display ICON.
  4. If the TV BOX disable, Please change another cable and test again.

How to rewrite the BIOS version in the DSV6357 VGA Card?

Since the VGA card isn't flash ROM. So, If you want to upgrade the BIOS that you need an EPROM programmer machine to program BIOS into an EPROM.

I can only select the internal VGA port but not the TV Output.

Set up in the following steps:

    1. Make sure the cable is connected to the TV.
    2. Turn on the TV.
    3. Turn on the PC.
    4. Select TV BOX from the Display icon.

Why can't I use TV Select on OSR2.5 of Windows 95?

Please download the DSV6357 driver for OSR2.5 from our Website. http://www.dataexpert.com.tw


FAQ for VGA Card