FAQ of DPM5020 VGA Card

How can I recognize the DPM5020 and DPM6020 VGA Card.

DPM6020 is PCI VGA card and DPM5020 is AGP card.

How can I upgrade BIOS.

Because the BIOS on this VGA card isn't a flash ROM. So, If you want to upgrade the BIOS, you need an EPROM programmer machine to program BIOS into the EPROM.

Why can't I install the DPM5020 driver in Win NT mode?

Beause the DPM5020 is an AGP card. Hence, you should install the "Service Pack 3" before you install the VGA card driver. You may download the "Service Pack 3" from Microsoft Website http://www.microsoft.com.

I can't run the game that was bundled, after I installed the DPM5020 driver.

Please update the driver. You can download the latest version from our Website http://www.DataExpert.com.tw/service/website/website.html

The DPM6020 can't support the 1024*768 High color mode.

The memory of your VGA card is enough to display the 1024*768 High color mode. But if you can't adjust to this mode that it may occur from not enough resolution to display this mode on your monitor. Or the monitor driver doesn't install correctly.


Where can I get the DPM6020 driver for Windows98?

Please go through our Website get the driver http://www.DataExpert.com.tw/service/website/website.html

The DPM6020 unable to play any dos games?

Because this Permedia chipset is mainly for you to use in Windows 95 and NT, there is no DOS driver.

Does DPM5020 support dual monitor in Win98?

Yes, it is. Please download the driver for Win98 from our Website.

Notice: If you used AGP and PCI cards at the same time, you should install AGP card first.

And enable BIOS item about "Initial VGA Display First".

I have Pentium II system with DPM5020 and I have trouble with its setting in Windows NT4.0. Under Win 95 all works ok, high resolutions with high color depth. But on the same computer no NT 4.0 SP 3 work res . 1024*768 (and higher) only with 256 color. Is it normal? In event log is some warning from glint about number of DMA buffers, but I don't know where it can be configured (in control panel is no icon for glint) .

Because when we use Window 95 and NT. We separated the RAM memory in three parts.

  1. Z buffer for texture mapping and 3D effect.
  2. DMA for texture mapping (single buffer for 95)
  3. Resolutions and color mode. (double buffer for NT)

Since we have spent one more buffer when using NT, therefore, the resolutions and color mode become limited.


FAQ for VGA Card