FAQ of MVP7598 Motherboard

How can I install USB device correctly with MVP7598 in WIN98?

The steps is as following:

1. Get into the BIOS.

2. Choose "CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP" - On Chip USB - Enabled.

3. Choose "PNP/PCI COVIFGURATION" - Assign IRQ For USB - Enabled

4. Install "MINI PORT" file. This is for Win98, which can install USB device correctly.

Does MVP7598 support AMDK6-300mzh?

Yes, it is, the MVP7598 can support AMD K6-300 and the jumper setting is as below:

J5 , JP3 SDRAM frequency selectors
J5(2-3) , JP3(1-2) SDRAM run AGP Clk (66Mhz)
J5(1-2) , JP3(2-3) SDRAM run CPU Clk (100Mhz) PC100 SDRAM

Does MVP7598 compatible with DIT5740?

Please Install the AGP VxD driver of MVP7598 then the non-Intel motherboard can fully support the DIT5740 AGP Card.

Does MVP7598 support AMD K6-333 CPU?

Please check your motherboard position at U12, if CLK IC is W48S87-W127 then you can use 95-124Mhz CPU Bus Frequency.

I can not install DIT5740 with MVP7598 in WIN95.

This driver should be installed on a system with the VIA AGP chipset, VT82C597 or later, and others' chipsets will not be supported. The VIA VxD Driver is only supported by Windows 95 OSR 2.1 (4.00.950 B) or later version. For Win95 users, you will need to load the "USB Supplement" (brings it up to OSR2.1 level or OSR2.5) Get "USBSUPP.EXE" from Microsoft, which includes the USB supplement and a new memory manager (VMM32.VxD) needed for the AGP DIME (Direct Memory Execute) feature.

      1. Load The motherboard driver[PCI Miniport , Bus Master IDE , ACPI Power Manager]
      2. Get DirectX 5.0 from Microsoft. DirectX 5.0 is the first DirectX version that supports AGP's DIME.
      3. Load:[AGP Bus Driver] VXD Driver from motherboard Supplier.
      4. Load the Intel740 driver installation procedure of the Windows 95 card driver. For WinNT users, you will have to wait until WinNT 5.0


FAQ for M/B